ITMB Ep 33 with Chris Wood - a must listen for the seekers out there!

Episode 33 of Inside the Musician’s Brain, featuring Chris Wood of The Wood Brothers and MMW, was one of my favorite talks I’ve had for the podcast so far. Chris is an articulate, deep thinker, and he gives us some powerful insight into everything from the nature of self-expression to how to be more present in your music and your life. I’ve been going deep on these topics myself - reading, listening, thinking, etc. And I should say that I am really enjoying unpacking these things on my podcast alongside so many talented artists. Much more to come on that front. One thing I really loved about this talk was how Chris is able to relate some very tangible advice on some typically intangible topics. I’ve already been employing some of his ideas, specifically reworking my practice routine to really focus on listening while I’m playing. Sounds simple, but I think we take this aspect of the musical experience for granted. We assume that it will just happen by itself, while we often slip into a very default mode of paying very close attention to ourselves and what we are doing. Like many of the deeper aspects of music and practice, this concept can be applied to life in general, where we also focus on ourselves way too much! Much recent research shows that our brains at at their most functional when we are most highly attuned to the environment and people all around us. For more on this topic I highly recommend checking out a book that I’ve been digging recently called The Extended Mind by Annie Murphy Paul, which was recommended to me by my good friend and excellent banjoist Ben Krakauer. Like anything, these concepts take a lot of practice to put into action, but being aware of them is a crucial first step. Try really focusing and tuning into everything that’s around you, in your music, life whatever. It can help you get out of your own way and start to act kind of like a radio receiver, channeling exterior energy and ideas and simultaneously unlocking your true self/potential. Everything around us in society tells that creativity and ideas come from within - that our ideas are our own and they reflect who we are. But maybe that’s not how it works! We are all connected after all, and starting to tune into these things can get you tapped into the power of that reality. This recent talk I had with Chris as well as the Annie Murphy Paul book can definitely help get you started. Enjoy!


Conservation, etc.


Inside the Musician's Brain Season 4!